Maximizing Your IT and Accounting Job Search Amidst Market Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, adaptability is key to success, especially in your IT and Accounting job search. Despite the current challenges, opportunities abound for those who are proactive and strategic in their job search approach. At Concentric Corporation, we’re dedicated to helping job seekers navigate these uncertain times and emerge stronger than ever.

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies and actionable tips to help you maximize your job search efforts in the current landscape, focusing specifically on careers in IT and accounting:

Embracing Remote or In-Office

While remote work has become increasingly prevalent, particularly in tech hubs, we understand that in-office work is still a requirement for many positions, especially in the Midwest. Navigating these work environments and highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability in today’s job market will open more career opportunites for you.

Highlighting Flexibility in Applications: Showcase your ability to thrive in different work environments on your resume and cover letter. Highlight any past experiences where you successfully transitioned between remote and in-office work, emphasizing your adaptability and productivity in each setting.

Upskilling for Success in IT and Accounting

Continuous learning is essential in competitive industries like IT and accounting. We’ll identify in-demand skills and certifications that can enhance your employability, whether you’re a software developer looking to master the latest programming languages or an accountant aiming to become proficient in financial analysis tools.

Identifying In-Demand Skills: Research current trends and job postings to identify the skills and certifications most sought after in IT and accounting roles. Look for emerging technologies, software, or methodologies that are becoming increasingly important in the industry.

Pursuing Relevant Certifications: Invest in certifications that align with your career goals and the requirements of your target roles. Whether it’s obtaining a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license or earning a certification in a specific programming language or software, prioritize credentials that will make you a more competitive candidate.

Networking Strategies for IT and Accounting Professionals

Networking remains a powerful tool for job seekers in any industry. Learn how to build meaningful connections within the IT and accounting communities, both online and offline. View osme tips below for leveraging professional associations, industry events, and social media platforms like LinkedIn to expand your network and uncover job opportunities.

Joining Professional Associations: Become a member of relevant industry associations and attend networking events to connect with peers and potential employers. Engage in discussions, share insights, and seek out mentorship opportunities within these communities.

Leveraging LinkedIn and Online Platforms: Optimize your LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills and experiences, and actively engage with industry professionals through groups and discussions. Personalize connection requests and follow up with meaningful conversations to build lasting relationships.

Tailoring Your Job Search Approach for IT and Accounting Roles

Customization is key when applying for jobs in specialized fields like IT and accounting. We’ll discuss how to tailor your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to showcase your relevant skills and experiences effectively. Whether you’re targeting entry-level positions or senior roles, we’ll help you craft a compelling application that stands out to employers.

Customizing Your Application Materials: Tailor your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to highlight the specific skills and experiences relevant to each job you apply for. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to demonstrate your fit for the role and catch the attention of hiring managers.

Showcasing Technical Proficiency: For IT roles, include a section on your resume dedicated to technical skills, programming languages, and software you’re proficient in. Provide concrete examples of projects or accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise in these areas.

Staying Resilient in a Competitive Market:

Rejection and setbacks are inevitable in the job search process, but resilience is the key to success. Discover strategies for maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated, even when facing challenges. From practicing self-care to seeking constructive feedback, we’ll help you navigate the ups and downs of the job search journey with confidence.

Seeking Constructive Feedback: After each job application or interview, solicit feedback from recruiters or hiring managers to identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine your approach and enhance your candidacy for future opportunities.

Practicing Self-Care: Job searching can be emotionally taxing, so make self-care a priority. Maintain a healthy work-life balance, engage in activities that rejuvenate you, and seek support from friends, family, or professional networks during challenging times.

Exploring Alternative Career Paths in Tech and Accounting Positions

In addition to traditional full-time roles, consider alternative opportunities such as freelance work, contract positions, or project-based gigs. We’ll explore the benefits of these non-traditional paths and how they can provide valuable experience and flexibility in your career journey.

Considering Freelance or Contract Work: Explore opportunities for freelance or contract work in your field, which can provide valuable experience, flexibility, and exposure to different projects and industries. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, or industry-specific platforms are great places to find freelance opportunities.

Networking with Industry Professionals: Connect with freelancers or contractors in your industry to learn about their experiences and gain insights into alternative career paths. Attend virtual meetups, webinars, or networking events focused on freelancing to expand your professional network and uncover potential opportunities.

The Concentric Advantage

At Concentric Corporation, we’re committed to empowering job seekers in the IT and accounting industries with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive in any market condition. By adopting a proactive mindset and implementing strategic job search tactics, you can navigate today’s challenges with confidence and land your next opportunity. Stay tuned for more expert insights and practical advice to help you succeed in your job search journey!

Dispelling Staffing & Recruiting Myths: The Concentric Approach

April brings with it a sense of whimsy and lightheartedness, often associated with pranks and jests. Yet, amidst the April Fools’ festivities, some myths persist in the serious world of staffing and recruiting. At Concentric Corporation, we believe it’s time to debunk the staffing & recruiting myths & misconceptions to shed light on the truth behind our approach.

Myth #1: Recruiters Just Want to Sell You a Job

It’s a common misconception that recruiters are solely focused on pushing any available job onto professionals, regardless of their preferences or career goals. At Concentric, we take a different approach. Our recruiters prioritize getting to know professionals on a personal and professional level before even mentioning a job opportunity. We understand that a successful placement is not just about filling a position but about finding the right fit for both the candidate and the employer.

Myth #2: Fear of Confidentiality Breaches

Professionals often hesitate to reach out to recruiting agencies out of fear of jeopardizing their current job positions. At Concentric, we prioritize confidentiality in every interaction. Our conversations are held in the strictest confidence, ensuring that your job search remains private until you’re ready to make a move. Your career journey is yours alone, and we respect and safeguard that at every step.

Myth #3: Concerns About Fees for Hiring Managers

For hiring managers, partnering with a recruiting firm may raise concerns about additional fees and expenses. However, collaborating with Concentric can actually save you both time and money in the long run. Our expertise in hiring allows us to streamline the recruitment process, delivering top-tier candidates efficiently and effectively. While there may be a fee associated with our services, the value we bring in finding the right talent far outweighs the cost.

At Concentric Corporation, we pride ourselves on being more than just a staffing and recruiting agency.

We are your strategic partner in talent acquisition, dedicated to helping professionals find their ideal career paths and assisting businesses in building high-performing teams. So, this April, let’s dispel the myths and embrace a new era of recruitment built on trust, transparency, and true partnership. Let us handle the hiring process, while you focus on growing your business and achieving your goals. With Concentric by your side, the possibilities are endless.

Tips from Hiring Experts in a Cautious Market

In the business space, uncertainty often breeds caution. As we step into the second quarter of 2024, the prevailing sentiment in hiring circles is one of wariness. Companies, cautious of economic fluctuations and global instability, are treading carefully when it comes to expanding their teams. However, amidst this cautious atmosphere, lies a pool of untapped talent waiting to propel businesses forward, even in rough market conditions.

At Concentric Corporation, we understand the delicate balance between prudence and progress in hiring. Drawing from the insights of hiring experts, we bring you essential tips to navigate the hiring landscape in a cautious market.

Define Your Needs Clearly: Before delving into the hiring process, take the time to precisely outline the roles and skills your company requires. With a clear understanding of your needs, you can streamline the recruitment process, ensuring you attract candidates who are the best fit for your organization.

Leverage Technology: In today’s digital age, technology serves as a powerful ally in the hiring process. Utilize applicant tracking systems, online job boards, and social media platforms to reach a broader pool of candidates. Virtual interviews and assessments can also facilitate efficient screening, enabling you to identify top talent without geographical constraints.

Prioritize Cultural Fit: Beyond technical skills, prioritize cultural fit when evaluating potential hires. Seek candidates who align with your company’s values, vision, and work culture. A cohesive team fosters collaboration and drives productivity, even amidst market uncertainties.

Embrace Flexibility: Flexibility is key in navigating a cautious market. Consider alternative staffing solutions such as freelancers, contractors, or part-time employees to meet fluctuating demand without committing to long-term hires. Adopting a flexible workforce strategy enables you to adapt swiftly to changing business dynamics.

Invest in Upskilling: Instead of solely focusing on external recruitment, consider investing in upskilling existing employees. Identify areas for growth within your team and provide training and development opportunities to nurture internal talent. Upskilling not only enhances employee loyalty but also equips your workforce with the skills needed to navigate market challenges effectively.

Streamline the Hiring Process: In a cautious market, efficiency is paramount. Streamline your hiring process to minimize delays and ensure a seamless candidate experience. Avoid unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles and communicate transparently with candidates to expedite decision-making.

Stay Agile and Adaptive: Adaptability is the hallmark of successful companies in turbulent times. Stay attuned to market trends and be prepared to pivot your hiring strategy accordingly. Whether scaling up or downsizing, maintain agility to navigate market fluctuations without compromising your long-term goals.

Emphasize Employer Branding: In a competitive hiring landscape, a strong employer brand can be a game-changer. Highlight your company’s unique value proposition, employee benefits, and workplace culture to attract top talent. A compelling employer brand not only attracts candidates but also fosters employee retention and engagement.

Mitigate Risks Through Trial Periods: To mitigate hiring risks, consider implementing trial periods or probationary periods for new hires. This allows both parties to assess mutual fit before making long-term commitments. Trial periods provide an opportunity for candidates to showcase their capabilities and for employers to evaluate performance in real-world scenarios.

Seek Professional Guidance: When navigating uncertain hiring terrain, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from hiring experts or recruitment consultants. Their industry insights and expertise can provide invaluable support in devising effective hiring strategies tailored to your company’s needs.

In conclusion, while the term “cautious” may dominate discussions in the hiring landscape, it should not deter companies from seeking out talented individuals to fuel their growth. By adopting a balanced approach that combines prudence with proactive measures, businesses can harness the power of talent even in challenging market conditions. At Concentric Corporation, we believe that with the right strategies and mindset, companies can thrive and emerge stronger amidst uncertainty.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day: Embracing the Power of Hard Work at Concentric Corporation

As professionals at Concentric Corporation, we know that while luck may open doors, it’s hard work that truly leads to success. With St. Patrick’s Day approaching, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of luck and good fortune. From four-leaf clovers to leprechauns, this festive holiday often emphasizes the whims of chance.

At Concentric Corporation, we believe in the power of diligence, determination, and dedication. St. Patrick’s Day serves as a reminder that success in the workplace isn’t just about luck—it’s about rolling up our sleeves, putting in the effort, and embracing the journey toward excellence.

Luck may give us opportunities, but it’s hard work that allows us to seize them and turn them into something remarkable. In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, relying solely on luck is simply not enough. It’s the sweat, the late nights, and the unwavering commitment to our goals that propel us forward.

As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, let’s reflect on the importance of hard work in our professional lives. Here are a few ways in which Concentric Corporation embodies the spirit of diligence and determination:

  1. Team Effort:
    • Success at Concentric Corporation is a team effort. We recognize that collaboration, communication, and collective effort are essential ingredients in achieving our goals.
    • Our teams work together seamlessly, leveraging each other’s strengths and supporting one another through challenges and triumphs.
  2. Personal Skill and Growth:
    • We value individual skills and expertise, fostering an environment where personal growth and development are encouraged and celebrated.
    • At Concentric Corporation, employees have access to training and resources designed to help them expand their skills and reach their full potential.
  3. Resilience and Adaptability:
    • In today’s dynamic business landscape, adaptability and resilience are paramount. At Concentric Corporation, we embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth.
    • We thrive in environments where flexibility, innovation, and agility are valued, allowing us to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than before.
  4. Continuous Improvement:
    • We believe in the power of continuous improvement, constantly striving to raise the bar and exceed expectations.
    • Through feedback, reflection, and a commitment to excellence, we continuously refine our processes, refine our skills, and elevate our performance.
  5. Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion:
    • At Concentric Corporation, we celebrate diversity and inclusion, recognizing that our differences enrich our perspectives and drive innovation.
    • We foster a culture of respect, equality, and empowerment, where every voice is heard and every contribution is valued.

As we raise our glasses to toast St. Patrick’s Day, let’s remember that success isn’t just about luck—it’s about hard work, determination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. At Concentric Corporation, we embody these principles every day, striving to create a workplace where success thrives, and dreams become reality.

So here’s to the power of hard work, the strength of our teams, and the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day. May we continue to embrace the journey with courage, conviction, and a dash of Irish luck along the way. Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us at Concentric Corporation!

Meet Concentric Corporation: Let Us Reintroduce Ourselves

Hello there, valued reader, meet Concentric 🙂

Thank you for considering partnering with us on your career journey, and as we continue to evolve, we’d like to reintroduce ourselves, shedding light on the exciting new ventures we’ve embraced.

At Concentric, we’re not just about connecting companies with top-tier professionals; we’ve broadened our horizons to serve a wider spectrum of industries. We’re thrilled to share that we now proudly recruit for Information Technology, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales, offering a diverse selection of opportunities for sustainable growth in these dynamic fields.

Our roots are steeped in over two decades of experience in the hiring and staffing industry. We realized the limitations of the transactional nature prevalent in an industry driven by people. Concentric was created to infuse a more personal touch into the hiring process, transcending the superficiality of keyword-driven evaluations.

Our founder, Andy, often says, “We’re not your average staffing company,” and we stand by that claim. We believe that finding the perfect fit requires more than just filling a job opening—it demands a nuanced understanding of cultural alignment, shared goals, and skill sets. We’re committed to building relationships that strengthen team dynamics, foster healthier companies, and elevate employee retention.

What sets Concentric apart is our holistic approach to recruitment. We invest time in deeply understanding the needs of both clients and candidates, ensuring a harmonious match. Our process isn’t merely about selling a job; it’s about finding the ideal fit for your aspirations.

We specialize in recruiting for Senior level and Executive positions in Information Technology, spanning hardware, software, security, infrastructure engineering, data engineering and intelligence, leadership/management, and now, expanding into Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales.

But it’s not just about the positions; it’s about the people we work with. We understand the frustrations of navigating job boards and seeking a more humanized hiring process. That’s why, from the beginning, our recruiters become your sole point of contact, providing personalized support throughout your journey. Whether it’s resume enhancement, interview preparation, or wardrobe advice for that critical first meeting, we’re here for you—every step of the way, at no cost.

At Concentric, we’re passionate about forging mutually beneficial connections between companies and candidates, fostering growth and success for all involved. We appreciate your time and attention and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you soon.

Warm regards,

The Concentric Team

Celebrating 20 Years of Success in the Recruiting Industry

On January 29th, 2024, Concentric Corporation proudly marks two decades of business in the recruiting industry. What began as a vision has evolved into a cornerstone of success for both job seekers and organizations in the Midwest. As we celebrate this milestone, it’s essential to reflect on why Concentric has become a vital ally for those navigating the job market and an invaluable resource for hiring managers and owners seeking top-tier professionals.

A Legacy of Creating Connections

At the heart of Concentric’s success lies a commitment to understanding the unique needs of both job seekers and the companies we partner with. For the past 20 years, our dedicated team has invested time and expertise in building relationships, ensuring that the matches we make are not just about skills on paper but are rooted in a deeper understanding of culture fit and organizational goals.

Job Seekers: More Than a Job, It’s a Career Path

For job seekers, Concentric isn’t just a recruitment agency; it’s a partner in their career journey. We go beyond merely presenting job opportunities; we tell the story of the companies we work with, providing professionals with insights into cultures where they can truly thrive. Our approach has resonated, resulting in an impressive 80% candidate retention rate post-hire, a testament to the enduring connections we forge.

Hiring Managers and Owners: Your Gateway to Top-Tier Talent

Concentric has become an indispensable resource for hiring managers and business owners in the Midwest. In an increasingly competitive job market, having a trusted ally like Concentric ensures access to a curated pool of top-tier professionals. Our thorough understanding of your organization’s goals, coupled with our commitment to transparent and honest conversations, means that every candidate we recommend is not just skilled but a perfect fit for your team.

The Concentric Advantage: Building Success Together

Our celebratory milestone isn’t just about the years behind us; it’s about the years ahead, filled with continued dedication to building success for job seekers and organizations alike. As we look to the future, Concentric remains committed to being more than a recruitment agency; we aim to be an extension of your team, working together to achieve lasting success.

Cheers to 20 years of growth, connections, and achievements! Thank you to all who have been part of our journey. Here’s to many more years of building successful futures together with Concentric Corporation!

Concentric Corporation Expands its Reach in Executive Search with Acquisition of Clarity Search

Celebrating its 20th year of business in 2024, Concentric Corporation is excited to announce an acquisition of Clarity Search will take place on December 31, 2023. This momentous occasion will not only mark a significant milestone in Concentric’s journey but also symbolize the beginning of a new and enhanced chapter in the firm’s history. The acquisition reflects Concentric Corporation’s continued commitment to growth and innovation in the executive search industry, and the team is eager to welcome Clarity Search into the fold on this special anniversary date.

Concentric Corporation, a leading IT executive search firm, is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of Clarity Search, a distinguished executive search firm specializing in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales positions. This strategic move marks a significant milestone for Concentric Corporation as it broadens its service offerings and extends its reach into new sectors..

The acquisition of Clarity Search is a testament to Concentric Corporation’s commitment to providing comprehensive executive search solutions to its clients. By joining forces with Clarity Search, Concentric Corporation gains access to a wealth of expertise in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales executive recruitment, further strengthening its position in the executive search industry.

Clarity Search, established in 2022, has built a strong reputation for its dedicated and experienced team of professionals who have successfully placed top-level talent in a wide range of roles within Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales. By integrating the capabilities of Clarity Search into the Concentric Corporation portfolio, the organization will be able to offer a more diversified range of executive recruitment services to its clients.

Commenting on the acquisition, David Hannam, President of Concentric Corporation, said, “We are thrilled to welcome Clarity Search into the Concentric family. This strategic acquisition represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide exceptional executive search services to our clients. Clarity Search has an impressive track record in their field, and we are excited to combine our strengths to deliver even greater value to our partners and professionals.”

With this acquisition, Concentric Corporation is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of its clients in the ever-changing landscape of executive recruitment. The expanded offerings will allow the company to assist organizations in finding top talent not only in the IT sector but also in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales, making it a one-stop solution for executive search needs across various industries.

Clarity Search Founder and CEO, Andy Hawkins, expressed enthusiasm about the integration, saying, “We are thrilled to officially become part of Concentric Corporation. This collaboration provides us with access to new resources and expertise that will help us continue delivering exceptional results for our clients. We are excited about the potential for growth and innovation that this partnership brings.”

About Concentric Corporation:

Concentric Corporation is a leading IT executive search firm dedicated to connecting top IT talent with organizations seeking the best professionals to meet their technology and leadership needs. With a commitment to excellence and a track record of success, Concentric Corporation offers customized solutions to help clients find the right talent and achieve their business objectives.

About Clarity Search:

Clarity Search is a specialized executive search firm focused on Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales positions. With a dedicated team of experts, Clarity Search has a proven track record of delivering top-tier talent to organizations in these fields.

Following the Successful Acquisition

Clarity Search will be seamlessly integrated into Concentric Corporation, and as of 12/31/2023, it will conduct business under the name Concentric Corporation. This rebranding signifies the unification of the two agencies and reflects Concentric Corporation’s commitment to offering an expanded range of executive search services across various industries, including Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Sales, in addition to its existing IT executive search expertise. The transition will not only streamline operations but also ensure that clients continue to benefit from the exceptional service and expertise that both organizations bring to the table.

Navigating the IT Job Market in Omaha, NE: Tips from Executive Search Experts

Are you an IT professional looking to advance your career in Omaha, Nebraska? Or perhaps you’re an employer in need of top tech talent in the Omaha area? Navigating the IT job market in Omaha can be both exciting and challenging. As an IT Recruiting and Executive Search Firm in Omaha, NE, we’re here to provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you succeed in this dynamic industry.

Omaha IT Job Opportunities

Omaha is a thriving hub for IT professionals, offering a wide range of job opportunities in the technology sector. Whether you’re a software developer, network engineer, data analyst, or IT manager, you’ll find a diverse array of roles available in the Omaha metro area. Our executive search experts specialize in connecting talented individuals with the best IT job opportunities in Omaha.

The Role of Executive Search Firms

Executive search firms play a vital role in matching top-tier talent with leading companies in the Omaha tech scene. If you’re an employer seeking IT professionals with specialized skills and experience, partnering with an executive search firm can streamline your hiring process. These firms have access to an extensive network of IT candidates and can help you find the perfect fit for your team.

IT Recruitment in Omaha

IT recruitment in Omaha is competitive, which is why it’s crucial to stand out as a job seeker. To increase your chances of success, tailor your resume to highlight your relevant skills and accomplishments. Make use of online job boards, networking events, and professional organizations to expand your reach and connect with potential employers.

Omaha’s Tech Industry Growth

Omaha’s technology industry is continuously evolving, with a focus on innovation and growth. Stay updated on industry trends, attend local tech meetups, and consider pursuing certifications or additional training to enhance your skill set. Being proactive in your career development can make you a sought-after candidate in the Omaha IT job market.

Local Expertise Matters

Partnering with an executive search firm based in Omaha, NE, can provide you with a distinct advantage. These firms have an in-depth understanding of the local job market and can provide you with personalized guidance and opportunities tailored to your needs.

The Future of IT in Omaha

As technology continues to advance, the demand for IT professionals in Omaha is expected to grow. The city is home to numerous tech startups, established companies, and innovative projects, making it an exciting place to build your IT career.

In conclusion, navigating the IT job market in Omaha, NE, requires a combination of industry knowledge, networking, and the support of executive search experts who understand the local landscape. Whether you’re an employer seeking top tech talent or a job seeker looking for the perfect opportunity, Omaha’s dynamic tech scene has something to offer everyone.

At Concentric Corporation, we are committed to helping both employers and IT professionals succeed in Omaha’s ever-expanding technology sector. Contact us today to learn more about our IT recruitment and executive search services, and let us assist you in achieving your career or hiring goals in Omaha, Nebraska. Want to learn more about how partnering with Concentric can take your career or company to the next level? Contact us today

Looking to hire advocates outside of the tech space? 

Connect with our sister company, Clarity. Clarity Search teams up with business owners and managers nationwide to create connections between top-tier accounting, finance, and marketing professionals.  

How Concentric Negotiates Your Perfect Job Fit 

The word negotiate in a professional setting can sometimes be intimidating. However, you’re in luck! Concentric’s mission is to focus on the people inside the hiring process. To do that, we take on the negotiation process for you so that both sides will always benefit from the beginning.  

What do we mean by this exactly? In this article, we’ll discuss some things job seekers and hiring managers should consider before the interview stage and how Concentric can help. 

The significance of respecting non-negotiables for job seekers and hiring teams 

Knowing what you are and aren’t willing to compromise before interviewing can help you better define larger goals and roles that are more fitting, regardless of which side of the process you’re on.  

Some aspects to consider include:  

  • A bottom-line salary  
  • Autonomy over workload  
  • Remote, flexible, or hybrid working options  
  • Training and development programs  
  • Development opportunities  
  • Commuting distance and business travel expectations  
  • A company mission statement that aligns with personal values  

Having a list of specified non-negotiables when talking to a Concentric recruiter can result in the following benefits:  

  • Saves time and resources: Knowing everyone’s deal breakers means that no one is investing time or energy into conversations that won’t result in an agreement.   
  • Reduces misunderstandings: Identifying necessary candidate traits or role requirements upfront can help minimize misunderstandings and miscommunications of a job description or experience level during the interview stage.  
  • Ensures alignment: Having non-negotiables helps a recruiter quickly ensure that the company and job seeker are aligned on key issues like compensation, work schedule, or company culture. This can lead to a better working relationship and higher job satisfaction.  
  • Empowers both parties: Job seekers who can comfortably and confidently describe their non-negotiables can be more assertive in communicating their needs in the long run of their careers. Similarly, hiring managers aware of the company’s non-negotiables can make more informed decisions when selecting the best candidate. 

Concentric will be your advocate 

When we work with professionals, we strive to take any stress out of the hiring process for them as possible. The same goes for the companies we partner with. In our minds, the worst thing that could happen during hiring is when a candidate falls in love with a company (or vice versa), goes through a rigorous interview process, and then discovers at the end of it that it can’t work out, and now they must awkwardly decline.  

It’s not about just finding a job— it’s about providing a path to professional goals. Concentric prioritizes understanding the professional’s and client’s needs upfront to ensure we can advocate for and present opportunities that align with their salary requirements, desired skillsets, and location preferences. By taking this approach, we can effectively bridge the gap between our clients and professionals to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.  

Not only that, but we’ll take it one step further by finding positions that are currently closed or available due to our community connections. Likewise, jobs can be created for candidates if a partnership is exceptionally beneficial. These benefits are the fruits of trust, and we take that responsibility very seriously.   

Join the Concentric community 

Our recruiters start with an in-person meeting to get to know candidates, paying particular attention to the obstacles they face in their current employment and discussing short- and long-term goals and ambitions. From there, our recruiters continue their hands-on coaching to candidates in interviewing and onboarding at no cost, connecting them directly with decision-makers to avoid getting lost in the HR void.    

Our approach to recruiting top-tier professionals for thousands of permanent and temporary IT and corporate tech positions is rooted in our core belief that aligning companies with high-quality talent starts at the relationship level. This process isn’t just different from typical IT staffing— it’s successful, resulting in an 80% candidate retention rate after hire.  

Concentric specializes in the following areas:   

  • hardware engineering
  • software engineering  
  • security   
  • infrastructure engineering   
  • data engineering/data intelligence    
  • leadership/management  

Want to learn more about how partnering with Concentric can take your career or company to the next level? Contact us today

Looking to hire advocates outside of the tech space? 

Connect with our sister company, Clarity. Clarity Search teams up with business owners and managers nationwide to create connections between top-tier accounting, finance, and marketing professionals.  

How Concentric Humanizes the Hiring Process

Going through the hiring process is stressful. Feeling like you’re sending your resume out into the void daily with no return is mentally exhausting and let’s face it— a bit soul-crushing at times. Perhaps worse may be the sense of hope sparked from six or seven interviews to THEN being turned down without knowing why.

On the flip side, a generic hiring process can lead to repetitive cookie-cutter responses from applicants for hiring managers, making choosing whom to interview feel like finding the needle in the proverbial haystack.

Hiring is time-consuming, but it should be taken seriously. Anyone can fill a job opening with minimum effort. However, finding the right employee who can grow and succeed at a company for the long term and an employer who can build trust with that employee for years to come–that demands something more.

The tech and executive staffing industry is saturated with recruiters who spend most of their day reviewing resumes for keywords. Yet, keywords don’t paint a complete picture. Just because a candidate has (or claimed to) check the decided boxes, it doesn’t automatically mean that they align with the vision of the company that was hiring, leading to an uneven match and low retention.

Concentric’s stance is that recruiting is personal, not transactional, and keyword searches do no good for either party.

How Concentric stands out in staffing

Concentric’s approach to recruiting top-tier professionals for thousands of permanent and temporary IT and tech is rooted in our core belief: Aligning great companies with high-quality talent starts at the relationship level.

Our focus is more than selling a job; it’s about finding the right fit for the goals of all parties.

  • We provide a hands-on experience in interviewing and onboarding. Do you need someone to help beef up or update your resume? Confer with about your first-day attire choices? Land that ideal position? We’re here for you.
  • We directly connect candidates with decision-makers. Find out where you stand sooner so you can confidently take your next step toward opportunities to excel (and get a job as a bonus).
  • If Concentric doesn’t have anything for the professional or client at the time, Concentric will actively search for the right fit for them instead of turning them away.

Need or looking for a position outside of tech? Our sister company, Clarity, is here to help by teaming up with business owners and managers nationwide to connect professionals in the accounting, finance, and marketing industries.

What our process looks like for candidates

The reality of our process is that it changes from person to person. Finding the right cultural fit strengthens team processes, builds healthier companies, and heightens employee retention. If candidates want to peruse job boards or have their resumes scanned for keywords, they’re not coming to us. We also realize the mental toll and emotional exhaustion that can come from the hoop-jumping multiple rounds of interviews invite.

Our recruiters start with an in-person meeting to get to know candidates personally, paying particular attention to the obstacles they’re facing in their current employment and discussing short- and long-term goals and ambitions. What does this look like, exactly? It can be anything from providing interview prep, practice sessions, and even defining those “next five years” if they’re a bit murky—the entire job search, with all the personal experiences— at no cost to the candidate. Then, they follow up as friendly faces at the first job interview and first day.

Concentric’s core goal is to build mutually beneficial connections between companies and candidates so that all parties can grow toward sustainable success in whatever form that takes. We further strive to invite and engage more individuals into the Concentric community, setting them up for hiring and career advancement in the information and technology spaces through transparent conversations and trusted referrals.

Make connections with Concentric

The hiring process doesn’t have to feel like a hassle.

The team at Concentric is full of experts with two decades of experience in the hiring process, aiming to connect quality companies and top-tier professionals to fill both permanent and contract opportunities. While we’re proud of what we do, partnerships are about more than making promises— they’re about following through with results. And we do. Since we began, our process has provided an 80% retention rate of individuals we place after hire.

Want to learn more about how Concentric can take your career in tech or company to the next level?

Contact us today!